The Trading Clock & Telling Time

 This is an awesome tool. Used in conjunction with the others it makes for a simple yet powerful system. Many thanks! - Wolfgang

Many years ago we had a common problem shared by many investors. Prices seemed to bounce around haphazardly, without rhyme or reason and with no apparent trend. The question was how one could find a profitable trend and be successful in this chaotic environment? 

The answer was in measuring human behavior in the context of time which repetitively repeats like clockwork.

The ultimate goal was to create a reliable trading plan that permitted entry near the beginning of a new time fame trend. 

The Trading Clock

The result was a guidance system built on Price, Time and Distance (PTD) that provided clear, confident and comfortable signals.

In trading, we already have price. Time and distance are implied by the posture of the daily, weekly and monthly trends. 

For example, if a positive price trend is evident only in the daily time frame, the time duration and distance to be traveled will be limited until the forces of a positive weekly, then monthly trend develop.

The bottom line is simply this. If one can tell time, one can be quite successful. 

For more details, see Simple Trading Logic here.

To duplicate or replicate website charts and results, we strongly recommend using your creative imagination skills and Simple Trading LogicAlternatively, an entry level free tutorial using premiere indicators is here.

The PTD (Price, Time & Distance) Formula Click here
Time Distance & the Universe - Click here

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