This exquisitely beautiful music theme says goodbye better than I ever could. Thank you for coming!
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On this free website, we provide clear, credible and convincing evidence by way of various proven, proprietary, and world class metrics.
An awareness of time frame trends is critical to the success of any investment. The #1 trading method with the highest probability rating of success is...
The Circle of Life - In Tune with Time
Time influences everything we do and, by extension, our investment decisions. As you will see, there is strong astronomical support and evidence for how we tell time.
Continued here...
The Trading Clock & Telling Time
Many years ago we had a common problem shared by many investors. Prices seemed to bounce around haphazardly without rhyme or reason. The question was how one could find a profitable trend. The answer was in...
Time, Distance & the Universe
Using nature's numbers and parameters to tell
time and how time in the universe actually works all around us. Revealing time and distance is a part of this concept, even in the
investment world.
Continued here...
The PTD Formula
The PTD (Price, Time & Distance) formula is quite similar to a travel destination which involves the primary elements of...
In trading
markets, we can measure trends and cycles but what we are really
doing is probability analysis. We do not absolutely know the outcome, only a
probable result. However, in longer term trends and cycles, the probabilities
become more reliable. First,
some supporting background information.
Continued here...
Premiere Trading Indicators
The best trend indicators are not the popular MACD, RSI or Stochastic. What other good choices and trading plan are available to determine profitable trends in all common stocks and indexes?
Continued here...
Time Frame Trend Configurations
are five frequently encountered configurations and the recommended
actions based on the WMA trend.
Continued here...
Time to Imitate, Duplicate or Replicate?
This is a demonstration of my personal chart displays for an additional overall perspective. Having both short and longer term views is important.
Cross Currents + Confusion = Cash
"When there is no fear of risk, the risk of failure now has foundation ~ TG
Continued here...
Gerbino's 12 Timeless Guidelines for Gold Stocks
Investment basics for the mining industry.
Continued here...
Trading Mistakes & Mishaps (+ Dan Norcini's views)
We all do them, myself included. It's how we deal with with them that makes the difference.
12 Market Hazards to Avoid (+1 to Adopt)
There are enough road hazards in the market without adding these potholes to the journey.
The Only Price Pattern That Really Counts
Price pattern analysis is always interesting, sometimes informative and occasionally useful depending on how widely known it is.
Continued here...
Symmetry, Signs & Signals
Symmetry in markets is always interesting from the standpoint of harmonics. Does it work?
Facts, Fiction & Fads
Some would say we live in a world of managed markets. Does it matter? Not to me and here is why.
The Value of Ratios and Waves
Fibonacci ratios, Elliot wave counts and other metrics are interesting exercises but one should investigate whether the mathematical trend evidence concurs with those outlooks.
Advanced Metrics
Advanced Research Engines
Five engines providing precision trend and cycle guidance.
Benchmark System
Benchmark is our most advanced time frame entry guidance system. It also provides earlier signals than other systems.
Continued here...
Triangular Treasure Maps - Quarterly
It's certainly nice to have a portfolio that is doing well. It's quite another to know the minimum price projection for each stock.
Windfall Profits?
Some investors are concerned that some sort of gold confiscation may occur, such it did in 1933.
Continued here...
Predictive Perspectives
Gold Rush!
My predictive forecast for some time has been a gradual pickup in price inflation. In time, this will lead to a historic gold rush for value.
The Independence Gold Mine Series
Includes all parts - 1 thru 12
The DJIA/Gold Ratio
Given the worldwide economic circumstances we are all familiar with, everyone wants to know gold's ultimate price target.
Historical Benchmarks
There is a clear question of confidence if you are riding in a car toward a financial cliff with no reverse gear, airbags or brakes.
Continued here..
Day of Reckoning
One does not have to be Daniel to interpret the current economic signs and symptoms of distress. One does not have to be an accountant or economist to know when things do not add up.
Creating Time, Buying Time & Balance of Time
There is no such thing as the "present" or "now". It just past you by. As a result, the regrettable past is behind us, the present is nowhere to be found and the future is uncertain. What to do?
Patience, Persistence & Perseverance
What does bamboo have to do with market trends? Consider a real life
lesson from the natural area.
Overcoming Adversity - A Genealogical Gift
Research on my ancestor's experience under difficult circumstances, provides historical lessons, perspectives and guidance we can all appreciate and learn from today.
Count On It!
Is there another perspective that may assist investors in waiting for value to be recognized? Here are three historical stories of perseverance in the face of adversity. They all demonstrate unrecognized value and a vision that was not apparent to those around them at the time.
The Music of Hope & Freedom
Life is a symphony of cycles, rhythms and trends. Here are two stories of uncommon courage and endurance, qualities we will all need to overcome the difficult times ahead.
Continued here...
Humor, Satires & Parodies
Pleasant Presents for Peasant Prosperity
Most investors have lost sight of some critical but forgotten fundamental facts. These truly creative inventions makes even Modern Monetary Theory obsolete.
Bizarre to Bright
To avoid any economic catastrophe, the government has some "amazing plans" to solve any economic issue, provide backing for the USD and payoff the debt.
Continued here...
Warning - The New "F" Words
Over at the R&D Department, the boneheads didn't get the memo.
Check Left Field
Good news! The government has discovered the Holy Grail of winning and can postpone any possible loss for a very long period time. An amazing record! Now, it's the ninth inning and nothing could go wrong here. Right?
Overheard in the Subway
The following conversations were recently overheard in the subway between Jack, an experienced government employee and Joe, an uninformed citizen.
Myths, Moonshots & Moonshine
Everyone wants to know the future. Of course, if you did know the future, you would only be a robot fulfilling a plan. There is a better way!
Mayan Mayhem
Market Humor!
While past performance and probabilities are favorable, results are not guaranteed. Use these trade plans, stocks or comments at your own risk. All analytical content and commentary provided within or from this site is aimed purely to educate or inform readers on the potential technical and fundamental aspects and possible value of intelligent, mathematically based research tools and charts for due diligence purposes.
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