The Dollar, Gold and Stocks!


Market Pendulum is pleased to announce that Sven Tövik from Sweden, is doing Sector analysis on all 11 major market sectors on a regular basis for his site and Market Pendulum.

Today's presentation is here along with his background, credentials and a proven 1-2-3 trading plan.

His site "The Sven Connection" is all about trading primary market sectors and sub-sectors with Simple Sector Selection techniques.

Sven is a welcome addition to an area not adequately covered by others and a unique and valuable resource.


Trader Dan Norcini - Euro Gold vs US Gold

Back in the day, when I was actively writing for the gold and silver community, I used to regularly include charts of EuroGold and YenGold to show the readers how investors in the metal outside of the US are faring.

As you know, the Asian and European markets are very, very active in gold, perhaps even more than US investors (although crypto has definitely made big inroads in all countries, especially Asia). It was useful to me to look at the charts of gold in these foreign currencies to get a sense of trend.


What has always been true is that gold is the “anti-Dollar”. It is either a vote of confidence in the US economy/government fiscal condition or a vote against it. When the Dollar is weak, Gold tends to be strong. The opposite is true – when the Dollar is strong, especially if interest rates in the US are rising, gold tends to be weaker.


What does happen, however, is when gold shrugs off this normal relationship.

Continued here

Benchmark Firepower Engine - XAU & S&P500


Adapted from the Old Prospector's state-of-the-art GPS system, the Benchmark Firepower engine is designed primarily for the weekly and above time frame trends. 

These higher time frames have several major benefits:

  • Signals last longer without interruptions
  • A greater profit potential than the daily
  • Valid signals typically occur sooner than traditional methods
  • Uses only one dotted directional indicator

Weekly Results



Monthly Results



Related: Gold Rush - The Map to the Mother Lode - Click here


Amazing But True

In ancient times, they took a cup of water from the river, put a pure gold nugget in the water to kill the bacteria and drank the water.

"Cleopatra famously used pure gold as a face mask to keep her skin youthful. During the Roman era, gold was made into a salve and used to treat various skin diseases and infections." 

Silver does the about the same thing. On the Oregon Trail and others, pioneers always had silver coins in their water buckets.

Wearing 24 carat gold is actually very healthy thing for your body as well. It relieves arthritic symptoms, reduces soreness or infections, regulates body temperature which improves the immune system, helps skin care and improves mood.

Currently, "Gold Nanoparticles (AuNPs) are a powerful addition to the range of techniques available for virus testing and control" as explained here. Silver nanoparticles have potential "use as antiviral therapeutics against pathogenic viruses" as demonstrated here.

Amazing but true.

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