A Prospector's Predictions
This was a "rare gold camp in an otherwise silver-rich region".
By 1882 it had 1500 residents, 40 businesses including 4 boarding houses, 3 saloons and a newspaper, the Independence Miner.

Today, 140 years after the Independence Mine discovery, he noted that many gold prospectors are, once again, one snowflake away from a blizzard of sell orders, having finally given up and just three feet from the Mother Lode.
In his view, the two questions before the remaining prospectors are whether they now need skis to get out of Dodge before the selling avalanches occur or would patience and the prospect of a profit picture prevail by Independence Day, July 4, 2019.
Let's all start patiently digging for this Independence Mine. It's time.
The Independence Gold Mine
Razzle Dazzle Revelations

So I said, "You calculated and predicted AXU would go to $4.23 this year. Right?"
"Well", he said pausing and choosing his words carefully, "I calculated your readers needed an early booster shot. Who cares if it gets there this year. It will get there. Patience, my friend!"
My response was, "Hey dingbat, we don't much care for bait and switch. Patience is at a premium for my readers who are disappearing faster than Arctic ice melt. Where is the good stuff?"
"AXU is Canada's only primary silver producer in one of the top 3 highest grade areas in the world, has 30.4/mil oz of P&P reserves + 83.5/mil indicated resources, a low AISC of $10.86 and an after tax IRR of 74%. Duh! Their streaming deal with WPM is of some concern over $25 silver. However, while their various mines are on care and maintenance due to low prices, they do have other income from a side business (AEG), another no-brainer help. The gold/silver ratio is historically very high at 87-1. View the latest COT Report. Again, concentrate on silver!"
Ok, I give in. Moving on to gold, what's your best option stocks when trends are positive?
"THM and VGZ. They require $1400 gold to really get going. Then there is SBB with its very high grade 7.3/mil resource + a significant silver royalty. All these were courtesy of my earlier recommendations."
On April 17th, you said "It would not take 140 days to start a major new gold bull market." That ends September 4th.
"Amazing, you got the math right there Einstein."
You also asked the rhetorical question, "Would patience and the prospect of a profit picture prevail by Independence Day, July 4th, 2019?"
"Yes, we have had three weeks of selling and all primary trends are now in alignment parading downhill. In fact, the worst case objective low for the XAU is about $52 to 57."
Ut oh! This is not good.
"You got that right. However, any new daily trend likely marks a major low, if not the the final low. More importantly, any weekly closing rise over [XAU] $79 at any time after any new daily, is a back up the truck moment. Put that in your pipe and smoke it."
Wow! That's encouraging. I will keep track of those parameters.
"Just to be clear, the main message is 3 months from April 17 for the prospect of a profit picture to appear and a major low before September 4th. This would provide time to complete base pattern development which should then have beginning elements of a longer term Mother Lode trend in place."
That seems crystal clear. Now, what if you suspect drilling will fail to locate the Mother Lode trend during this period?
"Suspicions and failure are not in my vocabulary sonny. I use a strict mining plan that will reveal its presence whenever that occurs. My goal is 140 days or less or I will eat one of my hats, if I have any left."
Oh my, some humor! I think I hear clapping.
How Did He Do Dat?
Here are my additional questions and his answers which revolve around his "How did he do dat?"
If your predictions come true, would it be due to:
Blind sheer luck?
Wisdom beyond your years?
A secret shaken but not stirred sauce?
Tea leaves?
A mathematical concoction?
A favorable astrological alignment?
This interview is not going well...
So I said, "You could sell this valuable information and live happily ever after!"
"Why after? I've already lived happily before and made a dime or two in the process."
Curiously, the old prospector then noted both the XAU & AXU have the same 3 initials, just arranged differently, almost like twins. He also noted his legal name also has 3 initials too, but they are "GAS".
What has that got to do with the price of beans?
Hmm...I think senility is setting in for this snooty old scrooge!
The Folly of Frustration
Getting frustrated, I said, "I give up, how did you do all dat?"
"It's really very simple. In terms of price, time and distance, time is the most important. If one can tell time, one can be quite successful. Price and distance follow. Meditate on that for a minute.

Just follow the power line up thru the train tracks and make a dime or two for your own Independence Mine."
"By the way", he continued, "It's not important if I am right or wrong. Who cares. What's really important is to sit still, let the numbers come to you and then back up the truck. That's my best advice, kimo sabe."
"No more interviews please! We will break thru the $1400 gold barrier later this year and achieve heights previously never thought possible in the following 2-3 years. You can go to the bank on that one."
Well, thank you very much and congratulations on your achievements! Could I have your autograph?
"Sure, write it down. It's G.A.S."
This character kills me!
Conclusion of Interview
There is nothing like having razzle dazzle revelations in advance and (hopefully) being correct too!
A quote from Lawrence of Arabia might be appropriate now. "Truly, for some men nothing is written unless they write it."
Thank you old timer!
July 4th 2019 Results
The Independence Gold Mine
A Prospector's Predictions
We will break thru the $1400 gold barrier later this year and achieve heights previously never thought possible in the following 2-3 years. You can go to the bank on that one" - Check!
"Any weekly closing rise over $79 (XAU) at any time after a new daily, is a back up the truck moment" Achieved!
"Concentrate on Silver" - Awesome Results!
Recommended Gold/Silver "Option" stock results
5/12/19 to 7/4/19
AXU 11%, SBB 23%, THM 39% & VGZ 34%
Razzle Dazzle Indeed!
Subsequent Results
from 5/12/19 to the August/September peaks
AXU + 170%
SBB + 104%
THM + 48%
VGZ + 82%
3/23/20 Email Update
I have personally contacted the grouchy old prospector who claims "bullion comes first". What a revelation!
- PVG (a high grade producer w/ exceptional cash flow assisting in paying off startup debt) (11/9/21 Newcrest takeover at $14.45 which represents an approximate 140% profit)
- SA (1/2 oz gold backs every share)
- MMX (a royalty/streaming company that pays a dividend and has 14 active producing mine incomes w/ no more than 15% exposure in any position). (12/21/22 Takeover by Triple Flag Metals Corp)
Old Prospector's Record
Part 3

Will you be publishing any further guidance or results?
Old Prospector's Predictions
Part 4
Janet personally interviewed the grouchy old prospector from the Independence Gold Mine with some hard hitting questions and observations.
JS - How certain are you of the Trader Garrett's recent predictions?
"I trained him!"
JS - Right and I am the Easter Bunny. Incidentally, he needs a refresher course.
"Oh really? I still think his forecasted mining trends are great, just like 3 years ago."
JS - But that was 3 years ago. He could be dead wrong now.
"No. He is alive."
JS - Oh, really? I missed that.
"Sounds like a woman."
JS - No, I am an Irish/Italian lady.
"Oh, a hybrid. Hmmm..."
JS - Where do you see Gold going this year?
"Up and down. Mostly one or the other."
JS - This not going well. Can you be more specific?
"Yes. There will be highs and lows with many frustrating flat areas too."
JS - God help us all. And your longer term forecast?
"I see a big number with a bunch of zeros behind it but I need my magnifying glass."
JS - I see zero insight. Have you done anything worthwhile since the last interview?
"Of course. Paid off my all my real estate loans with gold/silver investments etc and am now debt free. Unfortunately, I have to start stacking all over again, basically from scratch."
JS - Sounds like a wonderful position to be in.
"Not really. I discovered I can't eat my net worth."
JS - Senility must be settling in. Now old prospector, I have a question for you. What do you attribute your past mining success too? The Benchmark Mother Lode?
"No, it's because I am really old."
JS - Say what?
"Look dingbat, when you are old, you get it right, right now, not when it's convenient. Get the picture?"
JS - How reassuring! How old are you?
"I was born 79 years after the end of the American Civil War. Do the math. That should keep you occupied for awhile."
JS - How are your mining members doing?
"A lot better than me. In fact, way beyond me. Some are even talking about it. Others are yawning."
JS - How do you know they are yawning?
"Because they are not speaking, dum dum. That was my first clue."
I see we should conclude this interview.
"Fine, it's my nap time anyway."
JS - That concludes my (non)interview with the old prospector. RIP.
P.S. The Old prospector may return around Independence Day for a fifth interview, if he is awake.
Janet personally interviewed the grouchy old prospector from the Independence Gold Mine with some hard hitting questions and observations.
JS - How certain are you of the Trader Garrett's recent predictions?
"I trained him!"
JS - Right and I am the Easter Bunny. Incidentally, he needs a refresher course.
"Oh really? I still think his forecasted mining trends are great, just like 3 years ago."
JS - But that was 3 years ago. He could be dead wrong now.
"No. He is alive."
JS - Oh, really? I missed that.
"Sounds like a woman."
JS - No, I am an Irish/Italian lady.
"Oh, a hybrid. Hmmm..."
JS - Where do you see Gold going this year?
"Up and down. Mostly one or the other."
JS - This not going well. Can you be more specific?
"Yes. There will be highs and lows with many frustrating flat areas too."
JS - God help us all. And your longer term forecast?
"I see a big number with a bunch of zeros behind it but I need my magnifying glass."
JS - I see zero insight. Have you done anything worthwhile since the last interview?
"Of course. Paid off my all my real estate loans with gold/silver investments etc and am now debt free. Unfortunately, I have to start stacking all over again, basically from scratch."
JS - Sounds like a wonderful position to be in.
"Not really. I discovered I can't eat my net worth."
JS - Senility must be settling in. Now old prospector, I have a question for you. What do you attribute your past mining success too? The Benchmark Mother Lode?
"No, it's because I am really old."
JS - Say what?
"Look dingbat, when you are old, you get it right, right now, not when it's convenient. Get the picture?"
JS - How reassuring! How old are you?
"I was born 79 years after the end of the American Civil War. Do the math. That should keep you occupied for awhile."
JS - How are your mining members doing?
"A lot better than me. In fact, way beyond me. Some are even talking about it. Others are yawning."
JS - How do you know they are yawning?
"Because they are not speaking, dum dum. That was my first clue."
I see we should conclude this interview.
"Fine, it's my nap time anyway."
JS - That concludes my (non)interview with the old prospector. RIP.
P.S. The Old prospector may return around Independence Day for a fifth interview, if he is awake.
Independence Gold Mine
Old Prospector's Prospects
Part 5
Janet again personally
interviewed the grouchy and cantankerous old prospector from the Independence Gold Mine with some hard hitting questions and

JS - Given
our Part 4 non-interview in February, have you done
anything useful since then?
Sure, I told Trader
Garrett many weeks ago to:
· Serve up
some drilling candidates in advance of a bottom in gold and precious metal
stocks. This was to be published before July 4th, Independence Day.
· Include in
April's Benchmark Gold - The Big Picture that "early indications are
likely to begin in the 3rd quarter of this year, possibly sooner." In
fact, the bottom "may" have just occurred on the last day of the 2nd
quarter. Requires verification.
JS - No
kidding. How timely!
Yep, it's been 3 years
since you first published my prognostications. Many yawned then and most are
sleeping now.
JS - How
do you know they are sleeping?
Cause they are snoring,
not talking.
JS - What is the most satisfying part of your business?
It's boring telling prospectors
where and when to stick their drill.
JS - That's not what I asked. What satisfies you the most?
Waking them up!
JS - Oh!
I am not a sleep aid.
JS - So let me get this straight. You are calling for a major bottom in
gold this year, which "may" have already occurred but requires
You catch on quickly.
JS - What if you are wrong?
I live on earth, not
in heaven. So I could be dead wrong. That's better than being alive and wrong.
Major difference.
JS - Of course. Let's move on...Back in 2019, you predicted AXU would go
to $4.23 but it didn't.
Picky, picky, picky.
JS - Well...take a deep dive on that one.
are indeed deep and so is my mine. Pun intended. Get it?
JS - Let's stick with the facts.
Like I said then, "I calculated your readers
needed an early booster shot. Who cares if it gets there this year. It will get
there. Patience, my friend!" In any case, AXU was star of the show
at 170% in 2019. The other three mentioned gained 48% to 104%. Not enough deep well
water to quench your thirst for the truth? Huh?
JS - Are you a numbers person?
I am an old prospector with a boring history of results.
JS - How much gain do you expect after
the turn?
minimum 100% in one year for gold stocks.
JS - And longer term, say several
hundred percent for gold stocks. Gold's ultimate price is very high too.
JS - OMG! Have you lost your marbles?
I counted them yesterday. All are present.
JS - How reassuring for our readers! Do
you have anything to add as we conclude.
to add except I hate math, especially subtraction.
"Discovery is seeing what everybody else has seen, and thinking what nobody else has thought." - Albert Szent-Györgyi
The Independence Gold Mine
Old Prospector's Market Wisdoms
Part 6
Janet, our chief editor and resident critic has again personally interviewed that grouchy and cantankerous character. This extensive, down and dirty interview occurred yesterday.
Of course not. I'm timeless but retiring after this final interview. Thanks to you, my doorbell rings at all hours of the day and night Mrs. Ding Dong.
JS: Right. In our July 2022 interview, you called for a major bottom in gold this year before Thanksgiving. That apparently has occurred along with Silver too. Are you still sticking with that story?
Why not? That's last year's drilling news!
JS: My point is, will we see $1618 Gold or Silver $17.40 again?
Not in my lifetime. Of course, if I drop dead, cancel that.
JS: RIP. So your outlook this year is what?
Deep drilling data demonstrates irregular vein distributions with numerous up and down plunges but with an overall, slow but minimum 5 degree angular slope from critical weekly accumulation levels toward the potential monthly mining acceleration zone, about mid-year or so.
JS: Huh? Fog has more clarity. That's gibberish.
In plain English, in spite of the current irregularities, we are there at the forecasted critical weekly level and the next 6 months will be revealing with a potential acceleration point later this year.
This is clearly the time to gradually accumulate physical plus companies having significant resources in place. Are we clear here?
JS: Perfectly.
With TG's permission, I "may" bury my long term 2027 Map to the Mother Lode on his site this very week. Form a search party and dig for it. It will be fun to find while being helpful for background context. Hint: It's staring you in the face.
JS: Some say you and Trader Garrett are the same person.
Let's just say I taught Trader Garrett everything he knows and I take credit for any success or predictions he has made. All losses are his alone.
JS: Charming! Not sure that answers the question.
Well, you have been married to Trader Garrett for 33 years. You should know! Perhaps the picture above is a clue?
JS: I see you are at the top of your game. Let's move on to traditional "market wisdoms".
Say what?
JS: We are constantly bombarded with market wisdoms such as, "Buy when there is blood in the street". Do you agree?
Whose blood? How much blood? Does blood on the sidewalk count?
JS: Another one is "Buy low, sell high". Your opinion?
If you have fallen into a vertical mine shaft, you won't have any question about where you are. This ranks right up there with "Buy now". Since 'now' just past you by, are you late to the party?
JS: Interesting logic. How about "Buy the dip".
What's a dip? An investment dance routine?
JS: Here is another timeless truth. "A bell never rings at the top or bottom".
You just can't get good help these days!
JS: How about "X" marks the spot.
Should we cancel the rest of the alphabet? I prefer my simple ABC method which requires: Alert, Buy and Confirmation.
JS: Fascinating. On more serious matters, what's your opinion on the woke society.
They need to wake up.
JS: And your opinions on our worldwide leaders.
I truly believe they would outlaw earthquakes, volcanoes and seasons if they could. Maybe they will tax the amount of air we breathe to counteract climate change. If they could somehow re-invent the wheel, they would, plus take credit for it too!
JS: Cute. Will the United States become the Divided States?
I see where parts of Oregon & Illinois, as examples, want to join an adjacent state where values are shared, a potential long term trend.
JS: Any thoughts on worldwide financial conditions?
We will make a ton of money on gold etc in the next 3-5 years and beyond but what conditions will we live under? However, feudal type systems will gradually disappear and democratic governments will take many years to redevelop.
JS: How do you know that?
By history, government restrictions, rules and regulations that inhibit the freedom of choice, opinion and speech actually bolsters and supports the people's need for freedom from the PTB.
"The history of free men is never really written by chance but by choice." ~ Dwight Eisenhower
JS: Truly disturbing but encouraging. Any final comments?
I did learn two things from Trader Garrett that are summarized in his two semi-famous quotes.
JS: It's a miracle! What are they?
"Today we see constitutional freedoms being eroded, fiscal sanity forgotten and common sense ignored. Let us return to the freedoms the constitution guaranteed us, the history of gold which financially guide us and the genius of common sense".
JS: Well put. Finally, you have provided highly accurate forecasts over many years on virtually all fronts. How did you do that?
No magic, just time frame math. I sit still, let the numbers come to me and then back up the truck. Load, lock and launch.
Well thank you for your services these many years. Enjoy your retirement!
I will now return to the mother ship.
Results: Forecast of "potential monthly mining acceleration zone, about mid-year or so" was achieved in October.
The Independence Gold Mine
Arrival Revival
Part 7
Last night, the Old Prospector unexpectedly pulled up in the driveway with his 40 year old Toyota truck and promptly fell asleep.
Later on, Janet saw his truck and went out to greet him.
JS - Hey Old Prospector! Looks like you are asleep at the wheel again!
No, I have arrived and revived.
JS - No kidding. Arrived where, you senile old coot?
Arrived at a conclusion.
JS - And that would be...
In July 2022 (Part 5), I forecasted a major bottom that year and in fact, that occurred. Even Trader Garrett chimed in with an October 2022 call for a major bottom before Thanksgiving. I trained him on fine tuning!
JS - True, but that's old news.
Well, in my last interview 1/2/23, I forecast "a potential acceleration point later this year".
JS - That would be right now, correct?
No. You have arrived at an incorrect conclusion, as usual.
JS - Well you're kind of running out of time for "later this year" there kimo sabe.
Patience. Time waits for no man, especially woman.
JS - Charming. In an Oct 8th email to Sven and Wolfgang, Trader Garrett reported you claimed an "end of year ditto", whatever that means.
Yes, I am guilty of providing obscure clues for everyone's amusement, especially Wolfgang.
JS - That was the day before the current upturn 10/8. Sven & Trader Garrett had already purchased stuff too. Did I miss something?
Yep. You didn't get the memo and missed the "initial acceleration point" too. That's my conclusion and why I am here to help.
JS - OMG! Not exactly reassuring. Any good news?
JS - Huh? Wait for what? A mental midget message?
Wait for a daily and weekly drill trend to emerge in stock indexes. Any Gold return near the 1850 area is a back up my truck moment for gold/silver bullion. Load, lock and launch. These are your second chances.
JS - What a relief!
By Christmas, all gold trends will have likely merged to make you a happy elf. Just hang a stocking from the fireplace mantle with my name on it and a thank you note. I will climb down the chimney and collect it.
Right, and I'm Santa Claus!
Avoid putting any coals in my stocking or lighting the fireplace.
JS - I might be inclined to an open door policy but you are too annoying. BTW, how do you do all this stuff?
I have managed to ACE a far out drink concoction with blind sheer luck ingredients of timeless benefit. Shaken, not stirred of course.
JS - Clearly delusional too. What else would I expect.
I can see I have worn out my welcome.
JS - Your eyesight is perfect! LOL!
My "arrival revival" is now over. Am taking a departure hike to three mountain top gold mines in the next 3-5 years of increasing scale followed by occasional hikes and views of valley floor opportunities for fishing. Should be fun.
JS - Ok, take a hike. Oops! Sorry. We will miss you.
TG's Timeline Interpretation
(of Old Prospector's Predictions)
1) In July 2022, the Old Prospector called for a major bottom in gold that year. TG said before Thanksgiving. Both were correct
2) In 2023, we have a repeat of last years configuration but wait for the daily and weekly trends to appear in stock indexes.
3) The initial "acceleration point" has already occurred.
4) The daily and weekly gold trends should have both become positive by Christmas. A significant retracement is a big second chance bullion buy point.
5) Future predictions suggests 3 large gold price increases over the next 3-5 years of increasing scale followed by the usual sharp selloff opportunity areas.
Load, Lock and Launch
Results: New Daily Gold trend achieved 10/23 & new Weekly 12/1.
The Independence Gold Mine
Nothing To See Here
Part 8
- He sees the handwriting on the wall more easily
- Sees right thru people
- May become employed as a visionary
- Has his eyes on a new crystal ball
- May take up "peeping tom" duties
- Votes "aye" on all stock purchase proposals
- Says "see you all later" and means it
Disappointed? Didn't think so.
You just can't get good help these days!
Move along now. Nothing to see here...
The Independence Gold Mine
Old Prospector's Senior Moment
Part 9
It appears the Old Prospector has some sort of secret contact sauce he has cooked up along with some tasty tidbits of intelligence(?), insights(?) and information(?) you have to accept with a grain of salt.
Let's find out the real story...
The Interview
Janet has once again interviewed the grumpy and grouchy Old Prospector. Now that we have a brand new format, she was also interested in his current views and any contributions he has to share.
JS - So Old Prospector, how have you been since our last interview in October?
JS - Ok. BTW, exactly how experienced are you?
I was born 79 years after the end of the American Civil War.
JS - Why do we have to do the math and history lesson?
Because that Canadian Wolfgang is in the Caribbean goofing off and needs real work while we are all busting our butts providing real insights and information.
JS - Good points! Yes, work before play.
Have you seen our new format where everyone gathers unique data, insights or information that is relatively unknown.
Yeah, I got the memo.
JS - Right. Do you have any insights or announcements for us?
I got 2 insights and 1 announcement.
JS - Well that's a start in the right direction! What are they?
You guys are mean and nasty. Your Part 8 (see above) was not very complimentary of my talents and implied I am senile.
JS - Are you?
If I was, would you be interviewing me?
JS - Touché...
Remember at my advanced age and experience I may have a senior moment or two because I have so much information to retrieve.
JS - Point taken.
You know what just happened there?
JS - No clue.
A clueless junior moment!
JS - This is not going well. What is your second insight?
When garage sales dramatically increase in your neighborhood and then paid storage units are emptied, this indicates a cash income squeeze and the first stages of a major depression. Until then, sleep well.
JS - Truly fascinating. What is your third item?
I can still help you all with my "Old Prospectors Intelligence Network" (OPIN). Cute huh? It's open for business right now.
JS - So, do you have anything more for us?
As soon as I have another senior moment, I will contribute more, possibly in invisible ink.
JS - How reassuring!
The Independence Gold Mine
Prospector's Prospects
Part 10
Prospector's Prospects
Part 10
Sufferin’ succotash, he’s back! Thought we’d gotten rid of him, lol. Very timely reminder about the weekly time frames. Thanks old timer.
The Old Prospector's Daily Guidance System
Back in September, the Old Prospector from the Independence Gold Mine series Part 10 above shared a remarkable state-of-the-art GPS prospecting system for the weekly and higher timeframes using only one indicator like no other.
So I asked him...."What about the daily trend?"His comment was, “Would you prefer a traditional daily SAR guidance like this...
Click to enlarge
or this...without annoying interruptions?"
Truly outstanding. Exactly where do I sign up?
His comment was, “Would you prefer a traditional daily SAR guidance like this...
Click to enlarge
or this...without annoying interruptions?"
Truly outstanding. Exactly where do I sign up?
The Independence Gold Mine
Old Prospector Intelligence Network (OPIN)
Part 11
Part 11
The Real Truth About Exploration Stocks
At the bottom of the mineral food chain are exploration stocks looking to establish a significant resource by drilling.
They finance that search and keep the lights on primarily by issuing shares.
What's the Real Story Here?
1) Occasionally, they will promote that search by announcing a great drilling interval of "high grade" material. The rest of the drilling results in that announcement will be less than stellar. These announcements will go on year after year without a PEA/PFS/BFS, future timeline or plan.
Comment: That's false hype and hope promotion.
2) Frequently, they will point out they have a "district scale" land package with only 10% explored. No where do they tell you how many shares or $$ will be needed to fully explore it.
Before the district scale has been fully explored, they will then buy 2 other properties 200 miles away that have "similar geology" to their so-called flagship property. Then they add all three resources together so it looks like value is being created and they are not a one-trick pony.
Comment: Talk about dilution of value not to mention how much additional money will be required to establish a resource! Only flagship M&I resources are valued in the marketplace, not other properties.
3) If in a well recognized mining area, they will heavily promote the fact that 18 mil oz of gold have been mined from this general area in the past.
Comment: This means they don't have squat yet.
4) They will then compare their results with a group of carefully "selected peers" and claim to be undervalued in that context.
Comment: How do you compare garbage cans with other garbage cans?
5) Buried somewhere in their presentation will be that management only has a small 2% stake.
Comment: No conviction on the company prospects they lead but they want you to buy more shares? How does that align with your interests?
Bottom Line
The game is exclusively to "look good" so some other sucker will buy you out and make management's stock and options valuable. Count on it.
Statistics show only 1 in 100 exploration types will ever actually become a mine. Buyer beware.
The Old Prospector (TOP) Recommendation
On gold and silver stocks, buy only stocks with a minimum 2/mil M&I or P&P resource on their primary flagship property. This is the bare minimum for those with deeper pockets to buy you out.
Better yet, buy bullion.
The Independence Gold Mine
Moments of Truth
Part 12
This is all conflicting and confusing. Any there any certainties out there?
Investments are probabilities only. The only certainty in life is the sun will rise in the east, taxes will be paid and life is short.
JS - Do you have any other trends in sight?
No, I have trends insight. Get it? Major difference.
JS - Do you have any insights on our government to share?
No, I’m not known for doublespeak stuff and I prospect for profits, not political punchlines.
JS - Surely, you must have some political opinions.
Most political opinions are like armpits. We all have them but no one wants to admit their condition.
I do know one thing on the upcoming “planned election”. If you’re not anointed, you’re not appointed!
JS - How true. Are you knowledgeable about government finances and taxation?
Nope. I do know that income must exceed expenses. Anything else is unhealthy, unwise and unsustainable.
JS - Everybody is predicting various future numbers for gold and silver prices. Do you have any ideas.
Nope. I do know that TG deals in results not speculative ideas.
For example, yesterday's Gold price was 97% of his published 12/31/22 prediction in Gold Rush - The Map to the Mother Lode, a truly awesome performance!
You probably overlooked his additional update published in July 2024 with higher projections.
JS - Help me! I can’t find it.
Duh. You’re married to him. Open your mouth and ask him!
JS - I looked at your past record of market calls. Sounds almost perfect.
Not really. I make mistakes frequently, just like everybody else. I just learn faster from those mistakes than most.
JS - What a revelation!
Look, if you want perfection, go to heaven. Here on earth, I go for performance.
JS - Explain performance.
You have forgotten that "Performance is the primary goal, not perfection. Win/loss records are nice but it's how much money you make overall long term that really counts.”
JS - Some time ago you said, "I understand some investors wouldn't know the Independence Gold Mine, even with a blinking neon sign pointed at it and lots of documentation. Why?
Being blind, deaf and dumb come to mind.
JS - This is all wonderful witty wisdom beyond my years.
I have wisdom between my ears.
JS - Very informative interview today. I can see you are really on top of your game today.
I am The Old Prospector, as in "TOP". Glad you finally noticed!
JS - Before you go, what’s next?
Maybe writing “Prospecting for Dummies.” Seems we have a large audience out there.
JS - LOL! Thanks old timer.
Gold Rush - The Map to the Mother Lode - Click here
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Good to hear from Ole P again. Just as cantankerous and right as always.