The Enigmatic Mystery Of The Great Pyramid

An article on the Great Pyramid here indicated it would take laying a block every 2.5 seconds for 23 years to build this structure. My calculation is 10.93 years.

In any event, an impossible task for that period and a real puzzle.

Gold, Gold Miners and the S&P500

Merk has provided us with two longer term charts that compares gold miners to the S&P500 and Gold.

Click to enlarge

Major S&P500 & Commodity Trends

1) In "Be Aware, Beware and Wary" Trader Garrett examines the S&P500 history, current conditions and Benchmark projectionsClick here.

2) "Commodities - Symptoms, Signals & Solutions" details a proposed major change in the 1872 mining law that will affect the profitability all US mining activitiesClick here 


S&P500 - Profound Problems vs Positive Postures

In our February S&P500 article here, we noted that Finviz showed:

  • 64% of stocks above their 200 day MA
  • 58.8% are above the 50 day MA

Those results have since deteriorated to: 

  • 59.8% above the 200 day MA 
  • 35.6% above the 50 day MA

Benchmark's daily S&P500 trend is negative but all other higher primary time frame trends are still in a positive posture.

Similarly, lesser known indexes have this daily record. Click to enlarge.

Bear Market or Crash - Oh Really?

Calling for an imminent bear market or crash any day now (in this time frame setup) ranks right up there with Myths, Moonshots & Moonshine or Mayan Mayhem.

A technical bear market cannot begin without a minimum negative weekly trend being present and that event has not yet occurred. Theoretically, it could occur by the end of May but requires more evidence.

In Summary

Yes, there are profound valuation problems everywhere but positive time frame postures take precedent. 

Let's see what happens between now and the end of May. All else is speculation.


Gold Stock Update

    Gold Stock Index Outlook - 4/7/24

Dr. Kern has provided us with a new Gold Stock outlook under "Public Update" located here. 

Due to his condition, I have sent him a strong message of support and wished him the very best of treatment success. 

We will continue to publish his presentations. Current one is here.

His 36 year Gold Stock Prediction system, known as SKI, has been highly accurate and successful for subscribers using USERX, the oldest gold mutual fund with data available since 1974.

For those interested in both short term and long term trading signals in the gold stock market, I have no reservations in recommending his precision time tested work

Complete credentials are here.

Now is the time to access his work! 

Amazing Grace - An Inspirational Story of Freedom

This is the true story of one man’s passion and perseverance that changed the world.

William Wilberforce became a Member of Parliament in 1780 at the age of only 21. In 1786 he had a life changing experience, became a Christian and fought a long campaign in Parliament for the abolition of slavery in England.

Along the way he met John Newton, a converted former slave ship captain who, as a result of his experiences at sea, wrote the famous hymn “Amazing Grace” we are all familiar with today. John Newton became his pastor and encouraged him to continue the cause of freedom.

Finally in 1807, the Slave Trade Act was passed which outlawed slavery in England. But he did not stop there and campaigned relentlessly against slavery, wherever it occurred. In 1833, after more than 50 years since the beginning of the movement, the Slavery Abolition Act was enacted that ended slavery in all English colonies. He died just three days after hearing of the final passage of the Act, knowing his mission in life was accomplished.

That, my friends, is commitment and endurance in its finest form and an inspiration to all.

A brilliant rendition of “Amazing Grace” by IL Divo from the Roman Coliseum in Croatia is here.

Thank you for listening.


12 Market Hazards to Avoid (+1 to Adopt)

There are enough road hazards in the market without adding landslides, obstructions and potholes to the journey.

This list helps avoid false flags of hope without foundation.

Continued here

Amazing But True

In ancient times, they took a cup of water from the river, put a pure gold nugget in the water to kill the bacteria and drank the water.

"Cleopatra famously used pure gold as a face mask to keep her skin youthful. During the Roman era, gold was made into a salve and used to treat various skin diseases and infections." 

Silver does the about the same thing. On the Oregon Trail and others, pioneers always had silver coins in their water buckets.

Wearing 24 carat gold is actually very healthy thing for your body as well. It relieves arthritic symptoms, reduces soreness or infections, regulates body temperature which improves the immune system, helps skin care and improves mood.

Currently, "Gold Nanoparticles (AuNPs) are a powerful addition to the range of techniques available for virus testing and control" as explained here. Silver nanoparticles have potential "use as antiviral therapeutics against pathogenic viruses" as demonstrated here.

Amazing but true.

Timely Articles & Charts of Interest

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"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." – Winston Churchill 

Trader Garrett's Library & Resource Guide

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The Extensive Library and Resource Guide includes:

  • Informational & Resource Services Menu
  • Instructional Articles 
  • Advanced Metrics 
  • Predictive Perspectives
  • Inspirational Presentations
  • Humor, Satires & Parodies

A Question of Confidence

"Today we see constitutional freedoms being eroded, fiscal sanity forgotten and common sense ignored. Let us return to the freedoms the constitution guaranteed us, the history of gold which financially guide us and the genius of common sense". Trader Garrett

There is a clear question of confidence if you are riding in a car toward this financial cliff with no reverse gear, airbags or brakes. 

Under those circumstances, it does make sense to at least have a clear windshield and view of all the possible outcomes, none of which are good.

The primary purpose for buying gold or silver is for preservation, protection and profit as well as survival from the destruction of paper money. 

It's just that simple.

"Historically, overwhelming debt, excessive currency printing or the debasement of metal content in coin results in the gradual loss of confidence, faith and use in that currency. Eventually, this ends in the collapse of the currency or formal devaluation. A proportional rise of gold to compensate for that loss also occurs". ~ Anonymous

Continued here